Saturday, February 8, 2014

7 Things To Do When It Fire Vehicles

The rise in vehicle fires that occur in today's society, can serve as a lesson for us. Because all hope, this tragedy would not befall us. 

For that, there are some tips and suggestions are taken from the material workshop titled "Fire on Vehicle" held by PT Astra Daihatsu Motor. 

According to material presented by Aji Prima, Instructor of Daihatsu Training Center Jakarta, says there are 7 things to do when there is a fire in the vehicle drive. 

Seventh, among other things: 

1. Do not panic when he saw smoke coming from the vehicle 

2. Make sure we are safe first before helping others 

3. Save the little ones 

4. Stay away from your car 

5. Contact the nearest fire extinguisher 

6. Be careful in putting out a fire 

7. Use a fire extinguisher if the fire is relatively small

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