Sunday, February 9, 2014

Infiniti Technology Adopted Two Datsun

Be the last brand of fighting in cheap car segment and affordable prices in Indonesia, making Ford a more ready market Datsun. In addition to trying to offer a better product, also membekalinya with two technology premium brand, Infiniti.

Both completeness is claimed is not offered on other vehicles, car city. First there is technology on the system's front seats equipped with Spinal Support. "This technology is not new, but it is only offered on the cars of upper middle class and now exists on the Datsun," explained Kazuyuki Yamaguchi, head of Vehicle Engineering Datsun in Chennai, not long ago.

Shape of the seat is designed to lighten the burden of the body is supported entirely by the backbone in a sitting position. When the car is cornering, the level of stress to the joints in the spine can be increased and this improved with the presence of Spinal Technology Support.

Infiniti Q50
Second, the technology "High Response Linear Damper" that is known to be the standard in Infiniti's latest alerts, Q50. It serves to maintain the rate of the vehicle remains stable by keeping the motion of the rear suspension despite an uneven road. It is the usual effect created when driving a sedan.

"That is, able to maintain passenger comfort. In addition the power rear suspension we tighten up 30 percent better than the competitors, "continued Kazuyuki.
Other new technologies, the sensor on the windshield wipers. Wiper speed levels could follow the rate of vehicle speed in rainy conditions automatically. Behind the steering wheel, there is a digital tachometer displays a variety of information useful for the driver. Starting from level, fuel consumption guide, pemidah transmission, and the level of fuel remaining in the tank.

Most eccentric, is a system of "Mobile Docking Statio" which eliminated the audio function on the vehicle. So, does it do hold Your smart phone consoles and mengoneksikannya with speakers inside the cabin. Datsun think, if all of the completeness of the digital music player, navigation system, radio player, and all that is in smart phones, senisa may be maximized. In addition to saving, this feature also is more practical than a standard audio system with membekalinya single DIN minimal features.

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